
The article is devoted to researching the relevance of Internet resources as an educational component in the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Research and development of linguists, which were feasible in the direction of foreign language training using computer technologies and Internet tools, were studied. The work identifies the motives that encourage foreign citizens to learn the Ukrainian language. The content of popular sites was analyzed for the possibility of independent mastering of the Ukrainian language by foreign citizens with their help. Special attention is paid to researching the content of Internet resources, namely to what extent their content contributes to: mastering phonetics at the proper level, familiarization with grammatical features, mastering communication skills in accordance with modern needs, vocabulary formation. It was determined that the proposed system of interactive exercises and tasks of Internet resources allows for explanations in an interesting and accessible form, consolidation and generalization of material on the example of communicative situations from modern life, which contributes to increasing interest in the educational process. The article examines how the sociocultural and country studies component is reflected in the process of selection and formation of thematic blocks and sections of online resources. It was found that Internet resources contribute to the formation of foreign language speech competence at a sufficient level by combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills. As a result, it was concluded that the use of the Internet in the system of teaching a foreign language and Ukrainian, in particular, has a number of advantages, namely: the distance learning format allows you to independently manage the educational process, in particular, to personally determine the time and place; choose material according to your level; work on topics guided by one’s own goals and interests; students have the opportunity to learn from native speakers, not just from textbooks. The article examines the feasibility and relevance of using Internet resources in the process of learning another language. Positive prospects of using the Internet in the process of mastering the Ukrainian language as a foreign language and in raising the qualification level of teachers working in this direction were identified. Key words: Internet network, Internet resources, Internet tools, Internet technologies, Ukrainian language as a foreign language.

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