
In spite of the difficult climate, the WTO region of the Middle East has been one of the most dynamic regions in the past few years. Except for a minor setback in 2001, it has consistently shown higher than average and often double-digit growth rates in international tourist arrivals. According to preliminary estimates, the Middle East surpassed 30 million international tourist arrivals in 2003, corresponding to a gain of 6.5 million compared to 2000 (+27%). International tourism receipts are estimated at US$13 billion in 2002. Regional results are analysed over time, as well as by purpose of visit, means of transport and region of origin. Data on international arrivals and receipts for international tourism are reviewed for the Middle East region as a whole and for the constituent countries. The second part of this Databank article is devoted to a closer examination of the region's principal outbound market, Saudi Arabia.

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