
Universal declaration of human rights with emphasis on Non-discrimination between people and right on food for all, struggle to distribute justice for human. Live in healthy environment is one of fundamental rights for human But the development of civilization, especially since the industrial revolution accelerated the degradation of the environment. Human efforts to protect the environment have intensified since the late twentieth century but most of them have focused on prevention environment destruction rather than its influences on human. Focusing of environmental treaties instead of preventing damage to people, restrict harmful behavior for environment. Similarly, principles of international environmental laws are prevention of Damage to the environment and responsibility for its compensation. In contrast, international human rights completely focus on human; nevertheless, only in two human rights treaties, the right to a healthy environment, are binding. There are no mechanisms for Compensation for victims of human rights violations. Distribution of the sources of pollutants in the world is indicative environmental injustice. Not only in the world but also in the inside of countries, the sources of pollutants are closer to areas which people of color and lower income live. Some believe that environmentalism as new form of imperialism is formed in which developed countries are trying to impose their preferences and priorities concerning environment to developing countries. Also World Bank and IMF impose to developing countries to accept wastes which are exported by developed countries and accept polluter industries in their countries. Environmental justice in connection with procedural justice and political justice are issues that can investigate these claims. This article examines the lack of binding Law or judicial procedure in international law to compensate victims of environmental injustice especially in peace time and discusses Legal remedies in international law against environmentalism in relation with taxonomy of environmental justice. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n9p504


  • Industrial development after industrial revolution lead to profiting of natural resources without notification to its harmful effects on environment

  • In other chapter explain about taxonomy of environmental justice and remedies which exist in international law in relation of environmental justice with a glance to ambiguities and shortcomings on this legal instrument

  • During centuries people have been in searching of justice and the result of Years of struggle, manifested in universal declaration of human rights .non – discrimination between people, right on food and living in healthy environment are some of fundamental rights for human that have been emphasized in declaration

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Industrial development after industrial revolution lead to profiting of natural resources without notification to its harmful effects on environment. Increasing in industrial production beget wastes and harmful materials which holding of it make serious harmful damages for people and environment. Bury of polluted materials in industrial countries because of their harmful effect on people, caused many protests against governments and multinational companies. For this reason, some industrial countries export injurious wastes to developing countries. In this essay explain about definition of justice in different doctrines in law with emphasize on positive law and the rights of people on food and healthy environment. Legal suggestion accompany with increasing sanction of international law for investigation to environmental injustice that happens in international community is presented

Justice and law
Responsibility of states
Environmental Justice
Remedies of International Law in relation of sanction of Law
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