
The article highlights the experience of foreign countries in organizing anti-corruption proceedings. In particular, the experience of countries such as Croatia, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Uganda, the Philippines and Slovakia was studied. The key features of regulating the activities of anticorruption courts are analyzed and the shortcomings of their activities are presented. The problem of corruption in Ukrainian society and the negative consequences it can lead to are highlighted. Thus, as of 2020, Ukraine ranks 117th in the world in the corruption perception index. This characterizes Ukraine as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, and, at the same time, points to the cause of the crisis in society today. In our study, we analyzed key errors in determining the jurisdiction and organization of anti-corruption courts in foreign countries, which are likely to be repeated in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the rating of a country's corruption perception index and the presence of an anti-corruption court in its judicial system. Thus, the authors emphasize the expediency of introducing the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court in Ukraine as a way to introduce European standards in Ukraine. At the same time, the article emphasizes the need to implement ways to overcome such shortcomings. Based on the fact that such courts are the most responsible - they also have very high risks. Thus, we propose a way to eliminate all possible risks by deriving the most optimal aspects of the organization of anti-corruption proceedings in foreign countries. The paper pays special attention to the structural change of the domestic model of combating corruption offenses. The introduction of foreign experience in Ukraine will create an effective state mechanism for detecting and combating corruption, which, in turn, will significantly improve not only the financial and economic situation of Ukraine, but also restore public confidence in the domestic legal system and public authorities.

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