
The internal proprioceptive organs of the distal antennal segments of Allacma fusca (Collembola : Sminthuridae) were examined with light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. There are 2 such organs, each belonging to the sensory equipment of a sensory peg. These pegs are part of the sensory organs of the 3rd antennal segment (SO - AIII), and show characteristics of both hair sensilla and chordotonal organs. They have 5 sensory cells of which 4 can be regarded as chemoreceptors, because the walls of the pegs are pierced by pores. The 5th cells are the proprioceptors. Their dendritic outer segments are connected to the base of the SO - AIII peg but show no specializations. Their dendritic inner segments are distally joined to a thecogen cell containing a scolopale. Proximally, they span the hemolymph space within the antenna. The perikaryon of one of the organs is located on a muscle that deflects the 3rd antennal segment (IP - AIII). The perikaryon of the other is attached to the antennal nerve near a point where it is connected to a muscle that deflects the 4th antennal segment (IP - AIV). There is a conspicuous membrane system, associated with microtubules and a prominent ciliary rootlet within the dendritic inner segment of the IP - AIII. The cytological features of the organs are discussed with reference to 2 problems, the phylogeny of chordotonal organs and the process of mechanosensory transduction.

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