
The intergroup contact variable has been widely studied in the literature, and it has been shown to be closely related to less prejudice. The present article analyzes the role of an affective mediator in the relationship between the degree of contact-rejection of the outgroup (same-sex parents) variables, linked to the variable quality of contact or satisfaction with contact with people with a homosexual sexual orientation. The sample is composed of 401 Spanish university students (67 males, 16.2%, and 347 females, 83.8%) with a mean age of 21 years (SD = 3.20). The data collection took place between November 2016 and March 2017. The results show a complete mediation effect in the case of open or traditional prejudice (individual opposition), and partial mediation when analyzing modern or subtle rejection of same-sex parents (normative opposition). Our findings suggest that efforts to reduce the rejection of same-sex parents must take into account the individual’s positive evaluation of the contact because it is a mechanism that mediates the relationship between degree of contact and rejection. Homophobia intervention programs must consider the intergroup contact variable, taking into account that it is also necessary to act on positive emotions and affectivity toward relationships with people with a homosexual sexual orientation. Increasing positive contact with same-sex parents could be a key element in reducing rejection toward the effects of their child-rearing on their children.

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