
In order to characterize intergranular magnetic coupling in (Co 86Cr 12Ta 2) 100− x Pt x ( x = 0 and 9) and (Co 62.5Ni 30Cr 7.5) 100− x Pt x ( x = 0 and 14) thin-film recording media, the temperature dependence of the rotational hysteresis loss has been examined. In all media, the coercive force H c( T) gradually decreases to about half the value attained at 25°C by increasing the measuring temperature T to about 300°C without a change in the microstructure. In CoNiCr, CoNiCrPt and CoCrTaPt media, the decrease in H c( T) with increasing T corresponds directly to the decrease in the magnetocrystalline anisotropy field of the grains, H k grain. In contrast, in CoCrTa media, H c( T)/ H k grain( T) gradually decreases with increasing T. This decrease in H c( T)/ H k grain( T) is suggested to be caused mainly by the increase in 4 πM s( T)/ H k grain( T). This means that the intergranular magnetostatic coupling strongly affects the magnetic properties of the CoCrTa media examined here due to the low intergranular exchange coupling.

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