
ABSTRACTNano-thin films of Lu2O3 with 80nm thickness have been deposited on metal-coated glass substrate in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) geometry by electron-beam evaporation technique. High field and temperature dependent electrical characterization on grown MIM structures have been investigated in symmetric electrode configuration using Al, Cr or Cu metals. The temperature dependent I-T characteristic features have been found to support the conduction mechanism across MIM systems to be an electrode-limited process except for Al-Lu2O3-Al device, which show Poole-Frenkel mechanism in high electric field region. The associated parameters such as activation energy (∆E), coefficient of barrier lowering (β) and effective height of Schottky barrier at zero biasing (Фo) have been evaluated at different values of temperature and electric field to further investigate the dominent conduction mechanism.

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