
This article aims to present the importance of using technologies in data analysis for scientific research in an interdisciplinary context. It is known that technology currently constitutes a tool in common between different areas of knowledge, which makes it an instrument of great relevance for both parties, as it facilitates the researcher to analyze large amounts of information in different areas in a technical, practical and technical way. minimizing the margin of error. These relationships between different areas of knowledge, especially within scientific research, are very important to have a better understanding of a subject under discussion, and to find explanations for such facts and questions. In view of this, to evidence such facts, bibliographical research was carried out as methodological procedures, in which already published works were used as a source, such as: articles, master's dissertation, doctoral thesis and books, to validate/relate in order to present the contributions of several authors on the proposed theme. Finally, the research findings could show that, with the advancement of technology, as discussed in the text, much software with the help of the internet and some electronic devices such as notebooks, tablets, smartphones, among other resources, have been favoring this type of work and providing the speed and precision in obtaining and analyzing data, improving the execution of tasks in an agile, precise and compensatory way.

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