
The urgency of the problem. It is appropriate to characterize the interaction of health and a healthy lifestyle as a component of the problem field of social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education and philosophy of health, in a broader sense ‒ as one of the directions of development of modern existential philosophy, which focuses on the study of the individual and its material space. The most important thing is the philosophical analysis of the mutual determination of health and a healthy lifestyle in the context of the problem of self-actualization of the individual, which is currently on the periphery of scientific research. Based on this, the goal of our research is to determine the specificity and significance for the development of the personality of the mutual determination of health and a healthy lifestyle in the context of socialization and education processes. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the mutual determination of health and a healthy lifestyle consists primarily of the guidelines of existentialism, philosophical anthropology, philosophical and educational knowledge, as well as individual components of communicative studies, theoretical psychology, and philosophical and pedagogical methodology. Research results. A healthy lifestyle should be understood as a representation of the interaction of lifestyle and health with a positive effect on the latter, which determines the axiological nature of this problem. A healthy lifestyle should be considered as a component of the interaction between lifestyle and health. A priority role in determining the content and direction of such interaction is played by individual value orientations formed on the basis of social and cultural norms in relation to one's own psychophysical state. Health reflects a certain state of the human body at all levels, primarily at the psychosomatic and spiritual-motivational levels of the individual. A healthy lifestyle does not reflect the state of health, but the methods and tools for its provision and maintenance, focusing on determining the ways of life that allow you to achieve certain goals in everyday life. Both health and a healthy way of life are factors in ensuring the effective life activity of a person and his self-ctualization, which gives reason to talk about the philosophical and educational dimension of the researched problem.

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