
Estimation of rainfall for a given return period is of utmost importance for planning and design of minor and major hydraulic structures. This can be achieved through Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) of rainfall by fitting Extreme Value family of Distributions (EVD) such as Generalized Extreme Value, Extreme Value Type-1, Extreme Value Type-2 and Generalized Pareto to the series of observed Annual 1-Day Maximum Rainfall (AMR) data. Based on the intended applications and the variate under consideration, Method of Moments (MoM), Maximum Likelihood Method (MLM) and L-Moments (LMO) are used for determination of parameters of probability distributions. The adequacy of fitting EVD to the AMR series was evaluated by quantitative assessment using Goodness-of-Fit (viz., Chi-square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov) and diagnostic test (viz., D-index) tests and qualitative assessment by the fitted curves of the estimated rainfall. The paper presents a study on intercomparison of EVD (using MoM, MLM and LMO) adopted in EVA of rainfall with illustrative example and the results obtained thereof.

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