
Melaleuca ericifolia Sm. (Swamp paperbark) is a common tree species in freshwater and brackish wetlands in southern and eastern Australia. The survival of this species in many wetlands is now threatened by increased salinity and inappropriate water regimes. We examined the response of 5-month-old M. ericifolia seedlings to three water depths (exposed, waterlogged and submerged) at three salinities (2, 49 and 60 dS m −1). Increasing water depth at the lowest salinity did not affect survival, but strongly inhibited seedling growth. Total biomass, leaf area and maximum root length were highest in exposed plants, intermediate in waterlogged plants and lowest in submerged plants. Although completely submerged plants survived for 10 weeks at the lowest salinity, they demonstrated negative growth rates and were unable to extend their shoots above the water surface. At the higher salinities, M. ericifolia seedlings were intolerant of waterlogging and submergence: all plants died after 9 weeks at 60 dS m −1. Soil salinities increased over time, and by Week 10, exceeded external water column salinities in both the exposed and waterlogged treatments. In exposed sediment, ∼90% of plants survived for 10 weeks at 60 dS m −1 even though soil salinities reached ∼76 dS m −1. No mortality occurred in the exposed plants at 49 dS m −1, and small but positive relative growth rates were recorded at Week 10. We conclude that at low salinities M. ericifolia seedlings are highly tolerant of sediment waterlogging, but are unlikely to tolerate prolonged submergence. However, at the higher salinities, M. ericifolia seedlings are intolerant of waterlogging and submergence and died rapidly after 5 weeks exposure to this combination of environmental stressors. This research demonstrates that salinity may restrict the range of water regimes tolerated by aquatic plants.

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