
Interactions between quiescent solitons in Bragg gratings with cubic-quintic nonlinearity and dispersive reflectivity are systematically investigated. In a previous work two disjoint families of solitons were identified in this model. One family can be viewed as the generalization of the Bragg grating solitons in Kerr nonlinearity with dispersive reflectivity (Type 1). On the other hand, the quintic nonlinearity is dominant in the other family (Type 2). For weak to moderate dispersive reflectivity, two in-phase solitons will attract and collide. Possible collision outcomes include merger to form a quiescent soliton, formation of three solitons including a quiescent one, separation after passing through each other once, asymmetric separation after several quasielastic collisions, and soliton destruction. Type 2 solitons are always destroyed by collisions. Solitons develop sidelobes when dispersive reflectivity is strong. In this case, it is found that the outcome of the interactions is strongly dependent on the initial separation of solitons. Solitons with sidelobes will collide only if they are in-phase and their initial separation is below a certain critical value. For larger separations, both in-phase and π-out-of-phase Type 1 and Type 2 solitons may either repel each other or form a temporary bound state that subsequently splits into two separating solitons. Additionally, in the case of Type 2 solitons, for certain initial separations, the bound state disintegrates into a single moving soliton.

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