
Genetic studies and differing population trends support the separation of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) into a western distinct population segment (WDPS) and an eastern DPS (EDPS) with the dividing line between populations at 144° W. Despite little exchange for thousands of years, the gap between the breeding ranges narrowed during the past 15–30 years with the formation of new rookeries near the DPS boundary. We analyzed >22,000 sightings of 4,172 sea lions branded as pups in each DPS from 2000–2010 to estimate probabilities of a sea lion born in one DPS being seen within the range of the other DPS (either ‘West’ or ‘East’). Males from both populations regularly traveled across the DPS boundary; probabilities were highest at ages 2–5 and for males born in Prince William Sound and southern Southeast Alaska. The probability of WDPS females being in the East at age 5 was 0.067 but 0 for EDPS females which rarely traveled to the West. Prince William Sound-born females had high probabilities of being in the East during breeding and non-breeding seasons. We present strong evidence that WDPS females have permanently emigrated to the East, reproducing at two ‘mixing zone’ rookeries. We documented breeding bulls that traveled >6,500 km round trip from their natal rookery in southern Alaska to the northern Bering Sea and central Aleutian Islands and back within one year. WDPS animals began moving East in the 1990s, following steep population declines in the central Gulf of Alaska. Results of our study, and others documenting high survival and rapid population growth in northern Southeast Alaska suggest that conditions in this mixing zone region have been optimal for sea lions. It is unclear whether eastward movement across the DPS boundary is due to less-optimal conditions in the West or a reflection of favorable conditions in the East.


  • Steller sea lions (SSL; Eumetopias jubatus) are distributed around the North Pacific rim from central California to northern Japan [1,2]

  • SSLs born at rookeries from central California through southeastern (‘Southeast’) Alaska are considered of eastern distinct population segments (DPS) (EDPS) origin; those born at rookeries from the central Gulf of Alaska through Japan are of western DPS (WDPS) origin

  • We documented the regular movement of Steller sea lions from both the EDPS and WDPS across the defined DPS boundary

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Steller sea lions (SSL; Eumetopias jubatus) are distributed around the North Pacific rim from central California to northern Japan [1,2]. SSLs born at rookeries from central California through southeastern (‘Southeast’) Alaska are considered of eastern DPS (EDPS) origin; those born at rookeries from the central Gulf of Alaska (including Prince William Sound) through Japan are of western DPS (WDPS) origin. These populations have been reproductively isolated for .60,000 years [5] and have been described as separate subspecies, based on both genetic and morphological data [6,7].

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