
Background: A homeopathic potency is usually given to the nursing mother for the treatment of her baby. Potencies above 12 CH cross the Avogadro number and are, therefore, too dilute to contain any original drug molecules. A potency is thought to be specifically structured water carrying the imprint of original drug molecules. It may convert the water structure in the body of the mother and through her milk reach the suckling baby. Using a toad model we have recently demonstrated that the antialcoholic effect of Nux vomica 200 CH could be transferred from one group of toads to another through capillary water which carries the information of Nux vomica. Homeopathic potencies show UV spectra distinct from its diluent medium of aquous ethanol. Does a potency remain effective even after passage through a living body? Objectives: To demonstrate that a potency effect can be transferred through the body of a live toad to other groups of toads connected through water to the live toad. Further, we want to see whether the UV spectra of drug solution and of water connected to the drug are similar in nature. Methods: A live toad was held vertically with one hind limb dipped in Nux vomica 200 CH solution in a beaker and another limb in distilled water in another beaker. The second beaker was connected by wet cotton threads encased in polythene tubes to 5 beakers, each of which contained adult toads in distilled water. A batch of toads was directly treated with Nux vomica 200 CH. An equal number of toads in distilled water served as the untreated control. After 30 min the control and the two batches of treated toads were kept separately in 209 mM ethanol solution. Toads, that stopped movement, were placed in supine position on a dry surface. Failure to assume a normal sitting posture within a cutoff time of 60 sec was regarded as loss of righting reflex (RR). The experiment was replicated using large number of toads. UV spectra of Nux vomica 200 CH solution and of water before and after connection with the drug were obtained. Results: The percentage of toads losing RR in the three groups of toads increased with time of exposure to 209 mM ethanol solution. The loss of RR was significantly delayed with the direct treatment group ( P < 0.001, chi square test) and the connected groups ( P < 0.01 , χ2 test ) as compared to the control. The two former groups did not differ from each other significantly. UV spectra of Nux vomica 200 CH solution were similar to that of water connected to the drug solution. Conclusion: The antialcoholic effect of Nux vomica 200 CH could be transferred through the body of a live toad to other groups of toads. The drug did not undergo denaturation during its passage through the living body. That water carries the information of original drug is further evidenced by the spectral properties of water connected to the drug solution through capillary water.

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