
Failure of specific crops in the area due to different factors like, insect, pest attack, low production because of using low quality seeds, low market prices due to growing of single crop on large scale etc. are the major problems. This experiment was designed to introduce best intercropping pattern to increase production by efficient land utilization and cover single crop failure through other crops and evaluate the best crops to intercrop. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications and four treatments. Main crop radish was sown as a single crop in T1, in T2 radish was intercropped with turnip, in T3 radish was intercropped with Spinach, while in T4 radish was grown between turnip and spinach. Plant to plant and row to row distance of 12 and 30 cm was maintained in all treatments and replications.
 Under lab experiments lowest germination percentage of radish seeds were 91.5% in T1, while highest was 93.5% in T4. Plant height of radish was lower in T1 as compared to other treatments and it was 31.2 cm. Maximum plant height of 38.4 cm was observed in T2 where Radish was grown with turnip and spinach. Significant difference was observed between treatments in Single tuberous root length. Shortest length of 22.9 cm was noted in T2 and longest was 28.8 cm in T3. In single tuberous root weight, lowest root weight of single root was noted in T2 with total weight of 369.6 (g) and highest was 471.2 (g) in T3. Leaf area was also affected by intercropping and smallest leaf area was observed and noted in T2 while the largest was in T3 where radish was intercropped with spinach. Minimum yield per hectare (tons) was obtained from T2 (14.5 tons/ha) and maximum yield was noted in T3 (20.8 tons/ha). The present study revealed that intercropping of radish with spinach would be most suitable for higher production. These results shows the significance of intercropping. In almost all parameters and treatments T3 performed well where radish was intercropped with Spinach and it is due to different nutrient requirements of both crops. Being a leafy and tuberous crops fertilizer and nutrient requirement of both crops are different. With other tuberous crop results in all parameters were low which confirms that tuberous crops compete for nutrients.


  • Intercropping means growing at least two different crops at the same cultivation season and in the same area (Kizilsimsek and Erol 2000)

  • Second highest plant height of 33.9 cm was observed in radish intercropped with spinach (T3) followed by 32.9 cm in radish intercropped with turnip and spinach (T4), height of 31.2 cm was noted in Mono-cropping of radish (T1)

  • In turnip was 22.9 cm (T2) where radish was intercropped with turnip, increase in average plant height may be due to less tuberous root length and weight, which results in increased plant height and growth

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Intercropping means growing at least two different crops at the same cultivation season and in the same area (Kizilsimsek and Erol 2000). The increasing concern over agricultural sustainability favors the maintenance of intercropping systems due to its positive effect on soil conservation and improvement of soil fertility (Jarenyama et al, 2000). The economic efficiency of agricultural production resulting from lower production unit costs (costs per unit of product), is related to the increased soil fertility and the optimization of acreage (Reis, 2002). Intercropping helps to control insect / pest attack, disease, soil erosion and improve soil fertility and lower the risk and chances of crop failure, (Jarenyama et al, 2000). The intercropping system can promote the crop growth and soil fertility and decrease per unit cost of the product, Batista et al (2016) and Silva et al (2017). Riberio et al, (2000) reported that if multiple crops grown together, no additional cost required and farmers can manage this cultivation in available resources and within limited cost

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