
In the last few years the world oil and gas industry has experienced a rapid development growing more strongly than many other industry branches. Modern oil and gas industry aims at the extraction of natural resources at an increasing scale. The growth of oil production is conditional upon developing new exploration fields to create auspicious investment conditions, stabilize national social and political life using and implementing state-of-the-art technologies. It is efficient and vital for oil and gas companies today to contract different companies and their competences and resources in the development of fields, oil and gas extraction, transport and refining. It allows incorporating cutting-edge know-how in extracting natural resources by means of implementing new scientific and technological solutions aimed at further leveraging profitability based on inter-company cooperation thus opening opportunities for economic and social development and improvement but also environmental protection and quality of life. The search for a suitable partner/contractor to perform the necessary duties is difficult and laborious, and usually realized in the form of a tendering process.The complicated nature of organizing tenders requires creating new means and instruments which are designed to improve the choice efficiency and reduce the term of decision making. As evidenced by world experience from other industries the most prospective decision in this field are made using Intelligent Data Systems.This article deals with structure of intelligent information systems aiding decision-making using the case of an electronic tender competition. In this paper we provide a new approach for tendering in the oil and gas industry.

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