
In this study, totally 54 selected polymorphic SSR loci of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis), in addition with the previous linkage map of AFLP and RAPD markers, were used in consolidated linkage maps that composed of SSR, AFLP and RAPD markers of female and male construction, respectively. The female linkage map contained 236 segregating markers, which were linked in 44 linkage groups, and the genome coverage was 63.98%. The male linkage map contained 255 segregating markers, which were linked in 50 linkage groups, covering 63.40% of F. chinensis genome. There were nine economically important traits and phenotype characters of F. chinensis were involved in QTL mapping using multiple-QTL mapping strategy. Five potential QTLs associated with standard length (q-standardl-01), with cephalothorax length (q-cephal-01), with cephaloghorax width (q-cephaw-01), with the first segment length (q-firsel-01) and with anti-WSSV (q-antiWSSV-01) were detected on female LG1 and male LG44 respectively with LOD> 2.5. The QTL q-firsel-01 was at 73.603 cM of female LG1. Q-antiWSSV-01 was at 0 cM of male LG44. The variance explained of these five QTLs was from 19.7-33.5% and additive value was from -15.9175 to 7.3675. The closest markers to these QTL were all SSR, which suggested SSR marker was superior to AFLP and RAPD in the QTL mapping.

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