
Ginger bacterial wilt (GBW) is a destructive disease of ginger in Ethiopia. Field studies were conducted to determine effect of integrated management of GBW, through host resistance and cultural practices, on wilt epidemics at Teppi and Jimma, southwestern Ethiopia in 2017. Treatments were factorial arranged in a randomised complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance indicated that effect of variety, cultural practices and variety x cultural practice interactions significantly reduced GBW epidemic parameters and enhanced yield at both locations. Boziab recorded lower wilt incidence, area under disease progress curve and wilt progress rates than Local variety. Integration of lemon grass with soil solarisation and fertiliser reduced wilt incidence in Local variety up to 38.3% (Teppi) and 42.05% (Jimma) compared to the control on final wilt assessment date. In Boziab variety, integrated use of lemon grass with soil solarisation and fertiliser reduced wilt incidence up to 42.5% at Teppi and 33.85% at Jimma compared to the control on final date of wilt assessment. The overall results revealed that integrating cultural practices with host resistance are found effective to slow down GBW epidemics and improve ginger productivity; and thus, recommended for the study areas along with other crop management practices.

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