
Traditional plant breeding is based on the observation of variation and the selection of the best phenotypes, whereas modern breeding is characterized by the use of controlled mating and the selection of descendants using molecular markers. In this work, a comparative analysis of a traditional (Tunisian) apricot breeding programme and a modern (Spanish) one was performed at the phenotypic and DNA level. Different phenotypic traits were evaluated in apricot accessions from the traditional Tunisian selection program and genotypes, including progenitors and new releases from the CEBAS-CSIC (Murcia, Spain) apricot programme. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to these phenotypic traits were assayed for the molecular characterization. Results showed that modern breeding using controlled crosses increases the size of the fruit and incorporates desirable traits such as self-compatibility. Traditionally bred cultivars, on the other hand, show relatively small fruit size and dominant self-incompatibility. This study made it possible to identify different SSR alleles and genotypes. Cluster analysis clearly differentiates the genotypes according to their geographic origin and pedigree. In addition, the introduction of new cultivars from other countries or continents increases the genetic variability of local cultivars.

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