
This study was aimed at investigating the basic mechanisms of the normal repetition priming evoked by text re-reading procedures in Alzheimers disease (AD) patients (Monti, Gabrieli, Wilson, Reminger, 1994; Monti et al., 1997). For this purpose, we contrasted the reading facilitation elicited by previous reading or listening to a text in a sample of AD patients and a group of age-matched normal controls. Consistent with previous evidence in normal undergraduates (Levy Kirsner, 1989), previous listening to a text decreased the successive reading time of the same text (cross-modality priming). However, the reading facilitation elicited by previous reading of the same text (within-modality priming) was significantly larger than the facilitation evoked by previous listening. Compared to normal controls, AD patients showed intact cross-modality and within-modality priming. These data are discussed in the light of alternative hypotheses regarding the basic mechanisms of impaired and spared repetition priming in degenerative demented patients.

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