
Incubation of rat hepatoma Fao cells with insulin leads to a transient rise in Tyr phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins. This is followed by elevation in their P-Ser/Thr content, and their dissociation from the insulin receptor (IR). Wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, abolished the increase in the P-Ser/Thr content of IRS-1, its dissociation from the IR, and the decrease in its P-Tyr content following 60 min of insulin treatment, indicating that the Ser kinases that negatively regulate IRS-1 function are downstream effectors of PI3K. PKCzeta fulfills this criterion, being an insulin-activated downstream effector of PI3K. Overexpression of PKCzeta in Fao cells, by infection of the cells with adenovirus-based PKCzeta construct, had no effect on its own, but it accelerated the rate of insulin-stimulated dissociation of IR.IRS-1 complexes and the rate of Tyr dephosphorylation of IRS-1. The insulin-stimulated negative regulatory role of PKCzeta was specific and could not be mimic by infecting Fao cells with adenoviral constructs encoding for PKC alpha, delta, or eta. Because the reduction in P-Tyr content of IRS-1 was accompanied by a reduced association of IRS-1 with p85, the regulatory subunit of PI3K, it suggests that this negative regulatory process induced by PKCzeta, has a built-in attenuation signal. Hence, insulin triggers a sequential cascade in which PI3K-mediated activation of PKCzeta inhibits IRS-1 functions, reduces complex formation between IRS-1 and PI3K, and inhibits further activation of PKCzeta itself. These findings implicate PKCzeta as a key element in a multistep negative feedback control mechanism of IRS-1 functions.


  • From the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel, the ‡Faculty of Life Sciences, Gonda-Goldschmied Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel, the §Institute of Molecular Oncology, Showa University, 1-5-8 Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-8555, Japan, and the ¶Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Branch, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892

  • IRS-1 Serves as a Substrate for an Insulin-stimulated Wortmannin-sensitive Ser/Thr Kinase—Consistent with our previous studies [17], incubation of Fao cells with 10Ϫ7 M insulin rapidly stimulated Tyr phosphorylation of the IRS proteins (Fig. 1, A, a and B, e)

  • Both wortmannin and, to a lesser extent, rapamycin prevented insulin-stimulated Ser phosphorylation of IRS-1, but only wortmannin inhibited the activation of PKB, indicating that the insulin-stimulated IRS-1 kinases that inhibit its Tyr phosphorylation in response to insulin differ from

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Tors of PI3K [24] and PDKs [25] and act as mediators of insulin action These proteins do not contain PH domains, and the exact mechanism of their activation is unknown. In the present study we provide evidence that overexpression of PKC␨, but not other PKC isoforms potentiates the insulinstimulated dissociation of IRS-1 from the insulin receptor, accelerates the rate of Tyr dephosphorylation of IRS-1, and as a result, reduces complex formation between IRS-1 and PI3K. These findings implicate PKC␨ as an insulin-stimulated and a PI3K-dependent kinase that down-regulates IRS-1 functions by a tightly regulated process. Activation of PKC␨ by TNF in an insulin-independent manner [29, 30] could account for the enhanced Ser phosphorylation of IRS proteins and their dissociation from IR, which takes place when cells are exposed to TNF [21], providing us with a possible molecular mechanism for the induction of an insulin-resistant state


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