
The chicken has a renal portal circulation with a variable amount of hind limb venous blood draining into the post-glomerular circulation before entering the systemic circulation. By injecting [125I]iodoinsulin into a saphenous vein we were thus able to deliver labeled hormone directly into the peritubular circulation on the same side. At intervals up to 6 min after the injection of [l25I]-iodoinsulin, total radioactivity per gram wet weight of kidney was 63% greater on the injected side as compared to the opposite side. Similarly immunoprecipitable radioactivity (less than 4% of total radioactivity) was 55% greater on the injected side. The difference between the two sides represents the accumulation of insulin extracted from peritubular blood during its first passage through the kidney. As most of the difference in radioactivity between the 2 kidneys was not precipitable with insulin antibody, it is evident that degradation of extracted insulin must occur. That [l25I]iodoinsulin accumulates in and is de...

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