
Introduction. The article describes the prospects for competitive advantages’ development of wholesale and distribution centers as the necessary agro-food complex infrastructure in the metropolis suburban area. Moreover, agro-food complex’s role in the formation of the modern institutional environment of suburban agriculture is also discussed.Materials and methods. The causal relations of the need for the formation and functioning of the agrofood complex institutional environment in the suburban area, the creation of the internal food mechanism to the needy segments of the population are substantiated. The authors use monographic, statistical, graphic and expert methods in the research.Results. The authors justify the suggestions to create an institutional environment for the functioning of enterprises and organizations, which are included in the system of internal food aid to the population. Discussion and conclusions. As a result, the mechanism for the infrastructure development of the metropolis agro-food complex, based on the resource potential assessment of the food market in the suburban area, is presented. In addition, the recommendations on the development of modern institutions that provide food to the population of the metropolis in the current restrictions of state agriculture support after the accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO are made. Moreover, the creation of the mechanism for managing the infrastructure provision of the agro-food market in the metropolis suburban area, based on the interaction of agents in the system of economic relations, the Executive authorities of the metropolis, district administrations of territorial entities, business structures and science is proposed.


  • The article describes the prospects for competitive advantages' development

  • The authors justify the suggestions to create an institutional environment for the functioning of enterprises and organizations

  • which are included in the system of internal food aid

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Продовольственный рынок Астаны является крупной в Казахстане локальной системой обращения продовольственных товаров. Развитие агропродовольственного рынка в таком мегаполисе, как Астана, обусловлено следующими специфическими факторами. Во-первых, Астана с 1998 года является столицей государства, вторым по величине после Алматы городом с наибольшей концентрацией потребителей продовольствия. Число постоянно проживающих в Астане жителей в 2017 г. Человек, а с учетом гостей столицы численность потребителей продовольствия оценивается в 1 240 тыс. Человек, что составляет 6,9 % от всего населения Казахстана. Что численность населения Астаны вместе с пригородной зоной возросла за последние 10 лет в 1,7 раза, а за 20 лет – в 2,6 раза (таблица 1)

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