
Part 1 Imagery Intelligence Collection: DC Power and Cooling Towers The Unidentifieds. Part 2 Overt Human Intelligence Collection: The Interpreter as Agent Obstacle Course for Attaches Soviet Reality Sans Potemkin. Part 3 Clandestine Human Intelligence Collection: Techniques of Domestic Intelligence Collection The Elicitation Interview Psychology of Treason The Practice of Prophet Catch-as-Catch-Can Operations. Part 4 Humint and its Consumers: The Collector's Role in Evaluation The Reports Officer: Issues of Quality Clandestinity and Current Intelligence The Not-So-Secret War, or How State-CIA Squabbling Hurts US Intelligence Assessing DDO Human Source Reporting. Part 5 The Analysis Function: What Basic Intelligence Seeks to do Do You Really Need More Information? Basic Psychology for Intelligence Analysts The Hazards of Single-Outcome Forecasting Bayes' Theorem for Intelligence Analysts The Sino-Soviet Border Dispute - A Comparison of the Conventional and Bayesian Methods for Intelligence Warning Factions and Policon: New Ways to Analyse Politics Scientific and Technical Intelligence Analysis Economic Intelligence in CIA. Part 6 Analysis and its Consumers: Cognitive Biases: Problems in Hindsight Analysis Dealing with Intelligence-Policy Disconnects New Links Between Intelligence and Policy UNCTAD V: Intelligence Support at a Major International Economic Conference. Part 7 Counterespionage: Nosenko - Five Paths to Judgement Defence Against Communist Interrogation Organizations Observations on the Double Agent The Case of Major X. Appendices: The Next Most Valuable Articles Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions.

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