
Does It Mean When American Studies Is Transnational? Indeed, it is important to clarify what we are actually referring to when we use the term transnational, because at present three different meanings are often used interchangeably: an institutional, a conceptual, and a methodological one. In its institutional aspect, the term transnationalism emphasizes the desirability of increased international cooperation and exchange, so that scholarship in American studies will escape the parochialism that is one of the legacies of American exceptionalism. Conceptually, the goal is no less than the redefinition of the field of American studies as transnational, transatlantic, transpacific, hemispheric, or even global studies. On the methodological level, the term transnationalism is usually employed to support claims for a comparative perspective that will help to broaden our interpretative options in American studies. All three meanings carry welcome associations of disciplinary progress. This may be one of the reasons why they are so easily conflated. However, one can obviously support increased international cooperation wholeheartedly without subscribing to a transnational or hemispheric research agenda or even without committing oneself to the priority of a comparative perspective. It is necessary, then, to keep these different aspects of the term transnational apart and consider their usefulness separately. In his presidential address, Emory Elliott puts special emphasis on the idea of international collaboration and exchange. As an American studies scholar who has been involved in many international activities, I have had numerous opportunities to work with Emory on American studies projects and to observe his strong dedication to international cooperation from close range.

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