
The ability of human alpha and beta DNA polymerases and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerases to insert and extend several nucleotide analogs has been investigated using a variation of Sanger-Coulson DNA sequencing technology. The analogs included the triphosphates of two antiviral nucleosides with incomplete sugar rings: 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (dhpG) and 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)guanine (acyG or acyclovir), as well as dideoxy and arabinosyl nucleoside triphosphates. Three pairs of contrasting behaviors were found, each pair distinguishing the two human polymerases from the two viral ones: first, extension behavior with araNTPs; second, insertion/extension behavior with dhpGTP; and third, the relative preference for insertion of ddGTP versus acyGTP. The relative level of insertion of the nucleotide analogs by HCMV and HSV-2 DNA polymerases was dhpGTP greater than (acyGTP and araNTP) greater than ddGTP, whereas by human alpha polymerase it was araATP greater than ddGTP much greater than (acyGTP and dhpGTP) and by human beta polymerase it was (araATP and ddGTP) much greater than (acyGTP and dhpGTP). Evidence is presented for three mechanisms of inhibition by extendible nucleotides (of dhp and ara types) exhibiting frequent internalization: araATP acted as a simple pseudoterminator of alpha and beta polymerases, but was easily extended past singlet sites by Herpesviridae polymerases and only stalled at sites requiring two or more araATP insertions in a row. Herpesviridae polymerases stalled after adding dhpGMP and one additional nucleotide, suggesting that polymerase translocation problems may be a factor in polymerase inhibition by modified sugar nucleotide analogs. The amino acid sequence of the human alpha DNA polymerase, which is acyGTP resistant, was found to vary by one amino acid from the amino sequences of the Herpesviridae polymerases in a region of significant similarity and probable functional homology. Amino acid differences at that same site differentiate acyclovir-resistant HSV-1 mutants from the acyclovir-sensitive HSV-1 wild type.

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