
Abstract Transplants were set on 18 Jun at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station, Fletcher, NC. Plants were set 2 ft apart within rows and rows were on 10 ft centers. Single-row plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Insecticide applications were initiated at first fruiting, and applied on 26 Jul, 4, 14 and 25 Aug, and 1 and 9 Sep. All applications were made with a CO2 backpack sprayer operating at 50 psi and delivering 50-100 gal/acre (volume increased as plants grew) through 6 hollowcone nozzles per row. Each row was sprayed on both sides with three nozzles spaced 12 inches apart on the spray wand. Rainfall was abundant throughout the trial period, with 5.83 inches in Jun, 1.72 inches in Jul, 8.11 inches in Aug, and 2.9 inches in Sep. PA populations were monitored by observing 10 leaves (1st leaf below terminal flower) per treatment (40 total) and recording number infested with >1 apterous aphid. Thrips were sampled by counting total thrips in each of 10 flowers per treatment (40 total). Mature fruit (pink stage) were harvested weekly from 26 Aug to 30 Sep, and those damaged by SB and lepidopterous pests (TFW and CL), and infested with sooty mold were recorded.

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