
Many residential buildings have projecting balconies with glass balustrades. However, the architectural quality of glass balustrades is often impaired by the diagonal tensile rods that are used wherever cantilevered balconies are impractical. The project team explored the load-bearing potential of glass balustrades employed as bracing elements at the sides of a balcony. A linear adhesive bond joins the bottom of the glass to the balcony platform, while another bond connects the handrail line to the top. The design is subjected to a complex series of tests as a proof of concept. This paper focuses on the testing of life-size specimens under soft body impact. The test results are compared to FEA using a simplified spring model for the adhesive. The numerical analysis determines the relevant stresses and deformations of the glass and adhesive joints. Both component tests and FEA confirm the usability of the construction as a barrier glazing.

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