
Sporobolomyces lactosus is a pink yeast-like fungus that is not congeneric with other members of Sporobolomyces (Basidiomycota, Microbotryomycetes, Sporidiobolales). During our ongoing studies of pink yeasts we determined that S. lactosus was most closely related to Pseudeurotium zonatum (Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes, Thelebolales). A molecular phylogenetic analysis using sequences of the ITS region and the small and large subunit (SSU, LSU) rRNA genes, indicated that four isolates of S. lactosus, including three ex-type isolates, were placed in Thelebolales with maximum support. A new genus is proposed to accommodate S. lactosus, Inopinatum. This is the first pink yeast reported in Leotiomycetes.

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