
Currently many countries tend to foster innovative character of their economies. For Poland there has been formulated a new plan, whose one of the main elements is the development of entrepreneurship and innovation. A Strategy for Responsible Growth (Strategia na rzecz Odpowiedzialnego Rozwoju) in part dedicated to innovation introduces systemic changes designed to facilitate cooperation between representatives of science and business, as well as provides many new regulations enhancing creation and functioning of innovative companies. The conducted study applies, on the one hand, to the conditions for innovative activity that have determined the Polish scientific and economic sphere to date and, on the other, it discusses the prospects in this area. For this purpose there have been analysed experts and entrepreneurs’ opinions on the present solutions, as well as on the planned ones and their potential influence on the development of innovative companies. The gathered data have shown that the current level of innovation among Polish companies seems to be insufficient to give them significant competitive advantage. Although entrepreneurs have an interest in innovative activity, they often lack impetus to start it since business and legal barriers are impossible to overcome. Changes improving the whole process of commercialisation of scientific research are generally welcome by both entrepreneurs and experts but their opinions on the particular systemic changes proposed by the government are not entirely consistent. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs and analysts agree as to the need of introducing the proposed changes ambitious though they may seem.

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