
The simultaneous development of the European integration processes and military actions in Ukraine requires the justification of innovative approaches to the organization of business processes of transport companies to ensure their competitiveness in difficult conditions. The article substantiates directions and methods of innovative reorganization of business processes of a transport enterprise, taking into account external factors and regional characteristics. The article uses the methods of regression modeling to determine the degree of influence of environmental factors on the activities of enterprises, as well as the methodology of the European Cluster Observatory regarding the feasibility of creating clusters. It was established that the most influential factors of the external environment are the industrial production index (1.818) and the innovation index (0.639). To ensure the effective functioning of transport enterprises under the influence of these external factors, the feasibility of reorganizing their business processes by forming clusters with a logistics outsourcing platform is proposed and substantiated. The article carried out a quantitative assessment of the regions of Ukraine and established that it is most expedient to form transport and logistics clusters in Dnipropetrovsk (specialization index – 1.131), Odesa (specialization index – 1.244) regions and the city of Kyiv (specialization index – 1.810). The article highlights the joint business processes of transport enterprises, on the basis of which it is most effective to design a logistics platform as an integrated system of interaction of participants in the logistics chain according to B2B, B2C, B2G schemes. Common business processes include such groups as informational, economic, technological, financial, marketing, intellectual, managerial, and innovative. The structural components of the logistics and outsourcing platform have been presented. They are logistics and outsourcing companies, information and analytical centers and functional services. The organizational and management mechanism of joint business processes of transport enterprises for the logistics platform has been developed.

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