
The “not withal formally defined” 5G commonplace leads to the consequence that its relevant technological innovation continues to be wide open. For distinctive innovations probability, we have a tendency to should discover the actual technical area to contribute to the technological development of 5G. This paper discusses a framework responsive the foremost question: inside that technological area one may contribute to the innovation? The answer shall profit countries, firms, universities and analysis institute that intends to contribute to the formulation of official 5G commonplace. First, we've got a bent to review the key technologies of fifth generation mobile communication technology (5G). Present and skill of the network unit main technical focus. A flat IP-based network thought was reviewed, additionally as psychological feature radio technology to reach the terminal that have AI. BDMA technology was planned to help achieving system efficiency in terms of multiple access system. Second, we've got a bent to familiar technological challenges, that specialise in issues} related to security and issues to have an effect on restricted frequency spectrum resources. Afterward, we've got a bent to map the innovation probability supported technical area that's recently unconcealed in analysis article. We’ve got a bent to terminated that innovation opportunities lies on the analysis about security, network, technological implementation and applications issues. Index Terms - 5G; innovation; normal

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