
The lateral line system and its innervation were examined in the most primitive gobioid taxon, Rhyacichthys aspro (Rhyacichthyidae). The infraorbital canal was present, whereas superficial neuromast rows a and c, typically present on the cheek of gobioids, were absent. Because the infraorbital canal (absent in other gobioids) and the two rows were commonly innervated by the buccal ramus, the latter were categorized as replaced rows from canal neuromasts. On an innervation basis, rows b and d on the cheek were considered to comprise superficial neuromasts only in all gobioids. The trunk lateral line system comprised canal and superficial neuromasts, the former being included in the lateral line scales (each bearing 1–7 neuromasts arranged longitudinally along the direction of a groove). Absence of bony roofs in the lateral line system was proposed as a synapomorphy of Gobioidei, and a progressive neotenic shift in the lateral line system of the suborder discussed.

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