
In this article are presented and analyzed some situations of inaccurate realization of masoretic annotations of Leningrad Codex B19a (L) in the Biblia Hebraica series (the Biblia Hebraica [BHK], the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia [BHS] and the Biblia Hebraica Quinta [BHQ]), published by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, Germany. Besides these works, in this article are presented and analyzed, likewise, situations of inaccurate realization of annotation from masora magna of the Codex L in the Massorah Gedolah iuxta Codicem Leningradensem B19a, published by Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, Roma, Italy. The BHK, the BHS, the BHQ and the Massorah Gedolah are academic publications based on the Codex L, and each one aiming at being faithful to the masoretic manuscript. In this article are identified situations of inaccuracy and possible corrections are proposed, based on the facsimile edition of Codex L. One of the issues addressed in this article is that the study of the Masorah is of fundamental importance for the current Bible studies and the reproduction of the notes prepared by the masoretes in the medieval period shall be, insofar as possible, faithfully reproduced in modern printed editions.

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