
INNOCENTIVE, THE WEBSITE that gives cash rewards for the best solutions to posted scientific problems, has expanded its reach with German and versions of its site. Germany offers a fast-growing community of scientists, professors, and students, the company says, while in Moscow, InnoCentive is working with various national academies and ministries. Russian scientists will benefit by gaining access to problems around the world and potentially collaborating with global firms that have no current research presence in Russia, InnoCentive Chairman Alpheus Bingham says. The worldwide scientific community that InnoCentive has developed continues to grow daily adds Ali Hussein, vice president of marketing. We have 10,000 scientists—more non- US. than U.S.—in our solver base. Hussein joined InnoCentive in August from Amazon.com, where he was director of marketing and development for its wireless initiative. Earlier this summer, InnoCentive created an alliance with a laboratory network in India to rea...

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