
Tritium breeding blankets within D-T-fueled fusion reactors contain lithium compounds and typically require neutron multiplier materials to achieve a tritium breeding ratio (TBR) consistent with self-sustaining operation. Liquid breeder blankets have some advantages over solid blankets, and previous blanket studies have investigated liquid metal as well as liquid salt–based blankets. Liquid salts have reduced magnetohydrodynamic effects as compared to liquid metals, but typically have a lower TBR. Recently, advanced fission reactor concepts have considered chloride-based salts in their design, and there is a significant amount of research work occurring to study these salts. Chloride salts have previously been considered for fusion reactors, but studies have typically found lower breeding ratios than for fluoride salts, such as 2(LiF)-BeF2 (flibe) so they have not been further developed. In this work, we use a one-dimensional cylindrical radiation transport model of a conceptual tokamak fusion reactor to investigate the neutronics feasibility of using a chloride salt–based blanket that uses chlorine enriched in 37Cl, which has both a low capture cross section and a substantial (n,2n) cross section. It is found that chloride salts (LiCl mixed with BeCl2 and/or PbCl2) can potentially achieve a ~3% to 5% higher TBR than fluoride molten salts, notably flibe, in the absence of a solid multiplier. Including a solid multiplier, however, does narrow this advantage, with TBRs estimated within ~1% of flibe with a 2-cm Be multiplier. Chloride salts can also reach lower melting points than flibe, potentially improving the scope for the use of reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel as a structural material. There is substantial uncertainty in the calculations driven by limited thermochemical data for the Cl salts, plus cross-section uncertainties. The production of 36Cl through 35Cl(n,g) and 37Cl(n,2n) has the potential to challenge the waste disposal rating of the blanket. Calculations indicate that, while this is not an immediate showstopper, this case depends upon the exact waste disposal rating criteria used for 36Cl. Further work could reduce these uncertainties with improved thermochemical data, higher-fidelity modeling for downselected salts, and more refined waste disposal calculations and regulatory guidance. Finally, it must be recognized that, as for all molten salts, corrosion and chemistry can present appreciable technical challenges that require further assessment in developing a practical blanket concept, and also that the enrichment of chlorine presents an additional technical and supply chain challenge.

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