
Atheroembolization resulting in transient or permanent neurologic impairment is the most common complication of catheter-based percutaneous carotid artery intervention. Protection of the distal cerebral vasculature during carotid stent implantation may enhance procedural safety. Carotid stent implantation with distal cerebral protection using the FilterWire EX was performed in 35 consecutive patients undergoing 36 procedures at six centers. The FilterWire was delivered and deployed successfully in all 36 cases, and embolic material was retrieved from 74% of procedures. The 30-day rate of major adverse events (death, major or minor stroke) was 0%. Transient ipsilateral periprocedural neurologic ischemia developed in two patients (5.7%), both resolving within 30 min. Distal cerebral protection with the FilterWire during carotid stenting is feasible and safe, results in capture and extraction of atheroembolic debris in the majority of patients while affording uninterrupted cerebral perfusion, and in this initial multicenter experience was associated with a high rate of procedural success without major complications.

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