
5′-Methylthioadenosine (MTA), a degradation product of S-adenosylmethionine, inhibits DNA and protein synthesis as well as cellular proliferation in human lymphocyte cultures stimulated with mitogens, antigens, or allogeneic cells. MTA (10 −3 M) inhibited [ 3H]Tdy uptake in PHA- or Con A-induced transformation greater than 95%, and inhibited the uptake of both [ 3H]Tdy and [ 14C]Leu to the same degree in lymphocytes stimulated with PPD or allogeneic lymphocytes. MTA inhibition was dose dependent, inhibition being lost when exogenous levels reached approximately 10 −5 M. The inhibitory effects of MTA were not produced by cytotoxicity since MTA-inhibited cells washed free of this compound could be stimulated at least as well as uninhibited cells. Understanding the mode of action of MTA and the mechanisms controlling its metabolism may lead to new approaches for regulating cellular proliferation.

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