
Stripe rust is one of the most destructive diseases for wheat crops in China. Two stripe rust physiological strains, i.e. CYR30 (intern. name: 175E191) and CYR31 (intern. name: 293E175) have been the dominant and epidemic physiological strains since 1994. One Aegilops tauschii accession (SQ-214) from CIMMYT was found immune from or highly resistant to Chinese new stripe rust races CYR30 and CYR31 at adult stage. SQ-214 was crossed with a highly susceptible Ae. tauschii accession As-80. Analysis of data from F1-F2 populations of SQ-214/As-80 revealed that the resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene. To exploit the resistance for wheat breeding, SQ-214 was crossed with Chinese Spring (CS) and backcrossed by two Chinese commercial wheat varieties MY26 and SW3243. The resistance from SQ-214 was suppressed in the F1 hybrids (CS/SQ-214) and the F2 population of CS/SQ-214//MY26. However, the resistance of SQ-214 was expressed in several F2 individuals of CS/SQ-214//SW3243. Eleven advanced lines with high level of resistance to the Chinese stripe rust CYR30 and CYR31 have been developed. This result suggested that SW3243 does not suppress the expression of the Chinese stripe rust and should be used as wheat germplasm for exploiting resistance of Ae. tauschii in wheat breeding. The gliadin electrophoretic pattern of the eleven advanced lines with high stripe rust resistances was compared with their parents SQ-214, CS and SW3243 by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The omega-gliadin bands of Gli-Dt1 in Ae. tauschii SQ-214 were transferred to some advanced lines and freely expressed in common wheat genetic background. One of advanced lines possesses a null Gli-D1 allele, where the omega-gliadin bands encoding by the Gli-D1 allele were absent. The potential utilization of this advanced line for wheat quality and stripe rust resistance breeding is also discussed in this paper.

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