
1–2 mm thin platelets of borate or silicate glasses precipitate peculiarly isolated magnetic particles (of micrometer sizes) of hexagonal ferrites, spinel ferrites, or garnets at reaction temperature. A small 0.5–3.0 mol % additive of Ag 2O, Bi 2O 3 or P 2O 5 in these glasses behaves as a strong catalyst in undercooling the melt (in the shape of the platelets) in a truly amorphous metastable glass state of locally ordered network of interconnected basis structural units. In a typical 35BaO-25Fe 2O 3-40B 2O 3 borate glass, for example, the ordered structure in the 1–2 mm thin platelets results in 15–52 cm −1 increase in the BO stretching vibration frequencies over the usual values in the bulk. The surface tension σ (which is modified by the additives) of the glass-liquid facilitates the chemical ordering of planar configurations of interconnected (B 3O 4.5) n → 8 boroxol rings one over other along the surface of the platelets. On isothermal annealing at 500–850°C, the planar network configurations (α) nucleate planar α-β interfaces with solid aggregates (β) of the immiscible (at this temperature) Ba 2+ and Fe 3+ cations caused in the network in the thermal induced recrystallization process of BaFe 12O 19 hexagonal ferrite. The initial shape and size of the α-β interface depends (in addition to the σ and the free-energy difference ΔG v between the two phases α and β) on the size and shape of the crystal (β) unit cell and the local structure of the glass. It therefore assumes an elongated shape in the elongated P6 3/mmc hexagonal crystal lattice (of crystallographic axial ration c/ a ∼ 3.94) of BaFe 12O 19 ferrite. That ultimately grows and precipitates in BaFe 12O 19 single crystal in the presumed acicular shape (along the c-axis) over the network, following the flow of the heat released in the reaction along the planar interface, maintained by the strong surface tension σ, surface anisotropy (δ), and α-β wetting. The results are modelled and discussed using the BO stretching or bending vibrations in the thin glass-platelets and the platelets milled (removing the rather long range atomic ordering) into powder of particle size of 1 μm or lower.

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