
The running coupling and the Kugo-Ojima parameter of unquenched lattice Landau gauge are simulated and compared with the continuum theory. Presence of infrared fixed point of $\alpha_0\sim 2-2.5$ irrespective of the fermion actions (Wilson fermions and Kogut-Susskind(KS) fermions) in the continuum and in the chiral limit is suggested. Although there exists dependence on the polarization due to asymmetry of the lattice (time axis is longer than spacial axes), the Kugo-Ojima parameter $c$ is consistent with 1. Presence of $1+c_1/q^2$ correction factor in the running coupling depends on the lattice size and the sea quark mass. In the large lattice size and small sea quark mass, $c_1\sim 2.8$GeV is confirmed. The MILC configuration of $a=0.09$fm suggests also presence of dimension 4 condensates with sign opposite to the dimension 2 condensates. The gluon propagator, the ghost propagator and the running coupling are compared with recent pQCD results including anomalous dimension of fields up to the 4-loop level.

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