
The article describes the problem of computerization of the proceedings before administrative courts in light of the latest legal regulations concerning the discussed issue. In the publication, the attention is drawn to the constitutional determinants of electronic communication of a citizen with the court in view of the principle of the right to court, which is manifested in the universal availability of the judicial system. The right to court stops to be limited due to a concrete place of the functioning of the administrative court, working hours or the number of persons waiting. It is particularly significant for people with disabilities or the elderly. In the light of constitutional standards, the digitization of proceedings before administrative courts should be regarded as one of the key factors determining the development of a modern and effective state. In the article, the changes in the current legislation implemented with the Amendment of April 12, 2019, to the Act – Law on Proceedings Before Administrative Courts (Journal of Laws from 2019, item 934), were comprehensively discussed. It was indicated that the new legal regulations can contribute to the unification of the jurisprudence of administrative courts, as well as to the acceleration and simplification of proceedings. The discussed amendment may also help to reduce the administrative justice costs associated with postal service costs in relation to the costs borne for the service of traditional correspondence.

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