
The development of an information extraction (IE) system for Thai documents raises a number of issues which are not important for IE in English and other European languages. We describe the characteristics of written Thai and the problem statements, and our approach to the Thai IE system. The structure of written Thai is highly ambiguous, which requires more sophisticated techniques than are necessary to perform comparable IE tasks in most European languages, and large amounts of domain knowledge to cope with these ambiguities. The basic characteristic of this system is to provide different natural language components to assess the surface structure of the documents. These components include word segmentation, specific lexical structure terms identification and part-of-speech tagger. Further analysis is to perform a shallow parsing based on the relevant regions that contain the specific trigger terms or patterns specified in the extraction templates. Finally, the information of interest is extracted from the grammar trees in corresponding to predefined concept definitions and returns the users with a list of answers responding to each concept.

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