
We investigated the relations among consultant and consultee verbalizations and behavioral consultation treatment outcomes. The study consisted of analyses of a data base generated from three behavioral consultation training grants which included 25 graduate student consultants, 26 teacher consultees, and 102 children with emotional disabilities and/or at-risk for academic or behavior problems. Independent variables were categories of verbal behaviors coded on the Consultation Analysis Record. The dependent variables were consultee perceptions of consultant effectiveness, and treatment outcome indices of convergent evidence scaling and effect size. Results indicated consultants followed general guidelines for the occurrence of verbalizations for effective behavioral consultation, and consultants exerted control over the consultation process. A series of multiple regressions tested an hypothesized model that consultant control, behavior specification, and plan specification, and consultee positive validation would account for significant variance in consultation outcomes. Results indicated consultant control was not predictive of treatment outcomes. Consultees’ positive validation statements were predictive of their perceptions of consultant effectiveness, but were not predictive of child outcomes. Consultants’ efficient use of behavior and plan specification statements were predictive of positive outcomes. The strongest findings indicated the predicted model accounted for 30% to 34% of the variance on outcomes. It is concluded that verbal behaviors should be part of multivariate research toward understanding variables that affect consultation treatment outcomes.

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