
We investigated changes in physiological characteristics of micropropagated juvenile avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultured in three different su- crose concentrations (5, 30 and 50 g/l) for 4 weeks and subsequently acclimatized to ex vitro conditions. No sig- nificant differences in foliar concentrations of total chlo- rophylls, Nmass, flavonoids and total soluble proteins were observed during in vitro growth or after acclimati- zation. However, ex vitro transfer exerted multiple ef- fects on foliar ratios of chlorophyll a to b, total chloro- phylls to carotenoids and stem N and C/N ratio. Both varying sucrose concentrations during in vitro growth and ex vitro transfer, affected the concentration of rub- isco subunits independent of other photosynthetic com- ponents, viz. total chlorophylls, foliar N and total soluble proteins. These results suggest that preconditioning juve- nile avocado microplants at different concentrations of sucrose modify several physiological parameters during ex vitro acclimatization, like concentrations of caroteno- ids and rubisco, which can improve vigour of plants in autotrophic conditions.

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