
The fruits ofPistacia terebinthus, a circum-Mediterranean tree/shrub, are consumed by an array of bird species that differ in feeding methods and in relative frequencies of visits to plants. In this study I document interindividual variation in the proportion of fruits consumed by three types of frugivores: legitimate dispersers, pulp-consumers and seed predators. The results show that the relative frequencies of each kind of frugivore notably influence the final reproductive output (absolute number of viable seeds dispersed) and in fact prevail over the effects of pre-dispersal factors acting on plant fitness. Those relative frequencies are not associated with any of the plant traits related to fitness, such as fruit crop size and the number of viable seeds produced, suggesting that the type of avian frugivory exerts a negligible, if not null, selective pressure on such plant attributes. Plant specialization to attract the most effective seed dispersers seems to be precluded, given the small scale at which the high variation in seed dispersal success takes place.

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