
Serum thyroglobulin (Tg) measured by Immunometric assays (IMA) is prone to underestimation due to Tg autoantibody (TgAb) interference, often prompting reflex Tg measurement by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (MS) or radioimmunoassay (RIA). IMA, MS and RIA methodologies were used to measure serum Tg in TgAb-negative (TgAb-) and TgAb-positive (TgAb+) patients with either distant metastatic thyroid cancer (DTC) or hyperthyroidism (HY) - patients in whom a detectable serum Tg would be expected. 1) Between-method Tg variability necessitates method continuity when monitoring the Tg trends of TgAb- DTC patients. 2) The presence and concentration of TgAb appeared to have a lowering effect on serum Tg measured by all methodologies (IMA, MS and RIA). 3) Since the reliability of Tg measured in the presence of TgAb is often uncertain, the TgAb trend (measured by the same method) may be a useful surrogate DTC tumor marker.

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