
Nonterritorial Sebastes carnatus and S. chrysomelas existed, along with territorial individuals, at 3 tagging sites off southern California, USA, which were monitored for nearly 1 yr. To test the hypothesis that territoriality affected adult density in these species, territorial fish were removed and the subsequent utilization of vacated territories by other fish was monitored. Intrusion of other fish into vacated territories increased significantly in 90% of the removals. Other fish colonized both the feeding and sheltering parts of the vacated territories, indicating that the previous owners had successfully defended both parts of their territories. Many of the colonizers had already possessed territories; they expanded their territories or moved into presumably better havitat. Several previously-nonterritorial fish also moved into vacated areas, and at least some of them appeared to establish territories. These fish, then, had previously been capable of establishing territories, but were prevented from doing so by resident territory holders. Thus territoriality, rather than such other factors as predation or low recruitment, limited the number of territorial fish at each site. However, territorial fish did not inhibit the settlement of larval recruits, and the relative mortality rates of older territorial vs nonterritorial fish were not determined. Thus the question of whether territoriality was a major factor controlling total density remains unresolved.

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