
This work investigates the anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extracts of four endemic Stachys. (Labiatae) taxa from the Balkans: S. beckeana. Dörfler & Hayek, S. anisochila. Vis. et Pančić, S. plumosa. Griseb., and S. alpina. L. subsp. dinarica. Murb. As a model of acute inflammation, carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats was used. Extracts, applied at doses of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg p.o., exhibited dose-dependent activity. S. beckeana. and S. anisochila. extracts were the most active ones (ED50 154.52 and 162.24 mg/kg, respectively), with the activity comparable with indomethacin at doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg. S. plumosa. extract has shown less-pronounced anti-inflammatory effect (ED50 220.81 mg/kg). Extract of S. alpina. subsp. dinarica. had the lowest efficiency, attenuating inflammation less than 50%.

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